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     Dermal Fillers

There are a range of dermal filler products that are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance that is found in our bodies. Its main properties are to hydrate and plump our skin. fillers come in a gel form and rapidly smooth away facial wrinkles and folds and repairs the skin’s volume; it can also be used to define and add volume to lips.

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"This product contains a built-in anaesthetic which makes the injection process a more comfortable experience. No allergy/skin test is necessary as the products are of natural source"

Another established filler has been used for many years and proven safe. Adds volume to deep facial wrinkles and folds in the face to create a natural look. Can also be used in enhancing lips and making them fuller and adds shape. Lips are seen as the most striking feature on a woman’s face and stand out the most when people are talking to you.

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